Wednesday 15 October 2014

Broccoli & riccota cakes

Broccoli & riccota cakes
written by Agata / photos by Agata

Another advanced recipe:) I swear it doesn't take longer than one episode of Sex and the City. Great for lunch or light dinner. If you're always on the run, you must try it!

500g boiled broccoli
250g riccota cheese
2 eggs
1/3 glass almond milk (or any milk of your choice)
1/2 glass of gluten free flour
1 clove of garlic
salt, pepper, nutmeg & cumin

 1. Drain the broccoli, then set aside to cool slightly, cut into small pieces
2. In the bottom of a large bowl, lightly beat eggs
3. Into your egg mixture, add rest of the ingredients and stir until combined. You want to keep the bits small but recognizable
4. Heat large pan and add 2-3 tbs of oil
5. Once the oil is hot, scoop a large spoon of the batter and flatten slightly
6. Cook on both sides until crunchy and gold
7. Transfer to paper towels to drain.

Serve with tomatoes spread (recipe below) or garlic dip.



10 dried tomatoes
4tbs sunflower seeds
handful of basil leafs
1 tbs olive oil
1 tbs apple vinegar
1tbs lemon juice
1 clove of garlic


1. Soak tomatoes for at least 40 mins, the best is to leave them in the water for a night
2. Drained tomatoes and all other ingredients put into food processor and blend until combined

What recipes do you like the most?
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