That 70's vibe
Bag - Primark (similar HERE)
Jewellery - Dotty Holly
I am always taking my inspiration for outfits from differents eras. My favourite era is
the 1950's. I adore the silhouettes of the dresses, the flick of an eyeliner, red lips and curled hair. Then I fell in love with the sparkly glamour of the 1920's, the dark eye make up and lips that goes with it and those amazing hairstyles! (Would you like to see some make up and hair tutorials from these decades?)
But most recently I am really inspired by the boho feel of the 1970's. I found these flared jeans in a vintage shop and they are my new favoutite jeans. Very flatering for my figure, they balance out my shape perfectly. I wear them with this stunning fringed scarf, it has an amazing folk embroidery that reminded me of Slovakia :-) To maximize that 70's vibe I added a floppy hat and long necklace. I felt like going to a festival, or as if I have been transported back in time to Woodstock :)
Hope you like it as much as I do and that you are enjoying the summer.
What's your favourite decade?
Pre svoje outfity som sa vzdy inspirovala erami minule storocia. Mojou najoblubenejsou erou su 1950te roky. Zboznujem ich siluety siat, ocne linky, cervene pery a natocene vlasy. Neskor som sa zalubila do povabu 1920tych rokov, milujem ten tmavy ocny make up a pery, a tie prekrasne ucesy! (Chceli by ste nejaky tutorial v liceni a vlasoch z tychto dekad?)
Ale v poslednej dobe sa inspirujem 1970tymi rokmi. Tieto zvoncove rifle som nasla v sekaci pred nedavnom a patria medzi moje oblubene. Nosim ich so strapcovou satkou, ma prekrasne folklorne vysivky, ktore mi pripomenuli Slovensko ;-) Aby moj outfit vyzeral este viac ako zo 70tych rokov, pridala som velky klobuk a dlhsiu retiazku. Citila som sa byt pripravena ist na festival, alebo ako keby ma transportovali spat v case z Woodstocku :-)
Dufam, ze sa Vam moj look paci a ze si uzivate leto.
Ktora je Vasa oblubena era?
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